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Terms & Conditions


We would like to thank you for entrusting the treatment of your horse to us and for taking the time to read our Terms and Conditions. Your horse's welfare is our primary concern and it is important that you read and understand our terms and conditions before we undertake this.


If you require any help in understanding these terms or assistance in reading them (e.g. braille or an audio version) please let us know.


Please read the terms and conditions carefully before you seek any treatment or purchase any goods or services from us. Check that these terms contain everything you need. These are the terms and conditions on which we supply veterinary services to you when you are a consumer. This contract is binding in terms of all goods and services provided by us, including clinical services, for your animal and as such engaging with us means you agree to be legally bound by this contract. This contract contains our general terms and other terms apply within our privacy policy. If you would like further information on these please let us know. 


1. Introduction


1.1 We are Mid-Suffolk Equine Vets Ltd (MSEV) and our registered office is;


Mid-Suffolk Equine Vets Ltd

Epsilon House

West Road

Ransomes Europark





Company Number: 1536957

VAT Number: GB 463 7071 86


Trading Address:


Unit 2

The Old Stables

Bosmere Hall

Creeting St Mary





Contact Email:


1.2 When you register with us, book an appointment or visit our office, our acceptance of this confirms a contract has formed. We require you to agree to the following terms and conditions and they will form the contract for goods and services purchased from us. 


1.3 We may update these terms and conditions from time to time and will ask you to agree to the updated terms. All of these terms and conditions have been developed in accordance with the codes of practice as determined by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), the Health & Safety Executive and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate.  


1.4 We agree to provide our veterinary services in accordance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Code of Professional Conduct and the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.



2. Registration, Personal Information & Data Protection


2.1 An essential part of veterinary practice is maintaining accurate records for our patients and their owners. In order to do so, we may periodically ask you to confirm the details we hold for you and would ask that if there are any changes that you inform us as soon as possible to ensure our database is up to date. 


2.2 The privacy and confidentiality of your personal and financial information are very important to us and we take great care to comply with the Data Protection Act. MSEV will only utilise your personal information to contact you regarding the healthcare of your animals. All data is stored securely on specialist computer equipment.


2.3 In the event that data is required by regulatory authorities or to comply with any legal or regulatory requirement, we may disclose or share your personal information with the authority. If you have any concerns regarding this, please contact us.


2.4 We may contact you by phone, text, email or letter when required. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information regarding this.



3. Consent


3.1 MESV will require written consent for some procedures, although engaging us for services will act as a form of consent to undertake the procedure requested. 


3.2 In accordance with the RCVS Professional Code of Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons, MSEV will ask for consent for the following procedures;

  • Any admission to the clinic

  • Euthanasia

  • Use of medications in species for which they are not licenced

  • Use of medications in conditions for which they were not licenced


3.3 In the event that emergency treatment has to be provided, we will take all reasonable steps to contact you prior to treatment to obtain consent but if we are unable to, we will implicitly assume consent has been given to stabilise any emergency on welfare grounds by your previous registration with the practice.



4. Telephone Recording


4.1 Please note that all of our calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes. 



5. Provision of Veterinary Services & Emergency Cover


5.1 All veterinary services provided by us are supplied by staff with appropriate qualifications and experience operating with due care and attention. We reserve the right to provide any veterinary services at our discretion.


5.2 Treatment plans will be agreed with you following consultation and in advance of further treatment. In some cases e.g. emergencies, we may not be able to prepare a treatment plan and reserve the right to use our discretion to provide veterinary services in these cases.


5.3 We operate our own out of hours emergency services and are available 24/7 and these services are provided to all animals registered as 'under our care'.


5.4 MSEV will provide these veterinary services in accordance with the standards specified in the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons. For further information please see


5.5 In order for MSEV to examine, diagnose, advise and prescribe, all animals are legally classified as ‘under care’ as per RCVS guidelines. Therefore a patient cannot be deemed as ‘under care’ if there has been no physical examination and, as such, we are not able to prescribe medication until the animal becomes ‘under care’ and has been examined. However, in the case that the animal may be on long-term medication, once examined this animal does not need to be seen each time medicine is dispensed. 


5.6 As part of the previous points in Section 5, this means the practice must try to obtain, as far as reasonably possible, the previous notes of the patient in order to make informed decisions about treatments.  



6. Our Responsibilities 


6.1 We will take all possible due care and attention when carrying out our normal duties to avoid any loss or damage whilst conducting our business. If we are responsible for a foreseeable loss or damage, we are responsible for this as a result of us breaking our contract or failing to operate with reasonable care and attention. 


6.2 Loss or damage of this nature is foreseeable if it is obvious that it might happen. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.


6.3 Our liability to you for damages, losses, claims, costs or expenses arising out of our supply of any products or services is limited and shall not exceed;

  • The coverage of our public liability insurance

  • The coverage of our professional indemnity insurance

  • The value of the total fees payable by you


6.4 We are not liable for business losses, we provide supply goods and services only for domestic and private use. 



7. Fees & Payment


7.1 We are able, on request, to provide a price list for our commonly provided fixed cost services. For certain other goods and services we may be able to offer a fixed price but due to the nature of veterinary services it may be that we are only able to provide an estimate in advance for some services. 


7.2 All estimates are valid for 30 days and are inclusive of VAT. 


7.3 Where an estimate is provided, this will be based on our best calculation, our experience, and an understanding of how much any medications are likely to cost. 


7.4 Our fees will be adjusted annually and in situations where this will alter payments, for example within our health plan, we will notify you well in advance of any changes. 


7.5 We will provide you with an invoice for all treatment and medication and settlement is due at the point of invoicing and when collecting medications. You, as the owner of the animal, acknowledge and agree that you are liable for any fees incurred in the diagnosis and treatment of your Animal. 


7.6 Settlement of invoices is possible via cash, bank transfer or credit/debit card. We accept the following cards: Switch, Solo, MasterCard, Amex and Visa. We do not accept cheques.


7.7 If you are unable to settle your account for any reason, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can discuss this with you. We do not offer payment plans. Unsettled accounts that have not been discussed may result in further charges and MSEV reserves the right to stop any ongoing treatment. Unsettled accounts will be passed to a debt collecting agency unless otherwise agreed by a director. 



8. Health Plan 


8.1 MSEV operates a health plan which is offered to all registered animals. The health plan operates on a monthly payment basis and provides a number of different goods and services within the plan.


8.2 The health plan includes;

  • One annual visit

  • Annual vaccination

  • Annual Dental Examination with rasp

  • Sedation for dental

  • 3x Faecal Worm Egg Counts - Spring/Summer/Autumn

  • 3x Professional Interpretation of Egg Counts

  • A winter wormer


8.3 The health plan operates via a monthly direct debit. Services included within the health plan cannot be redeemed until at least two monthly payments have been made. In the event that goods and services have been supplied and the monthly direct debit is cancelled, MSEV will supply an invoice for the full cost of the services outside of the general savings of the health plan for the remaining costs. 


8.4 These costs are calculated at the discretion of MSEV. 


9. Insurance


9.1 MSEV strongly recommends insuring your animal with comprehensive cover included for all aspects of veterinary care. 


9.2 With regards to insurance claims for work performed, owners are expected to settle their accounts and then reclaim their costs from their insurance company. 


9.3 Owners are asked to seek pre-authorisation from their insurer for treatments likely to cost more than £500. 


9.4 MSEV will promptly lodge any insurance information required on behalf of the owner with the insurance company. 


9.5 In some cases insurance companies are able to offer direct claims with the veterinary practice and where this is the case, MSEV will discuss any payment arrangements with the owner of the animal. 


9.6 Any direct claims need to be authorised by a Director. 


9.7 Where a direct claim is undertaken by MSEV, the owner must provide all required information to us for submission to the insurance company within 5 working days. 


9.8 Where a direct claim is undertaken, the owner will also be expected to pay their policy excess to MSEV. 


9.9 In the event that the insurance company has not settled the account within 30 days, it is still the owners responsibility to settle the account within 30 days.


9.10 Direct insurance claims will incur an administration fee.



10. Supply of Medications


10.1 Placing an order for goods with MSEV forms a contract between us and you. As part of this contract, MSEV will supply medicines in accordance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Medicines Directorate Guidelines. 


10.2 All Prescription Only Medication (POM-V) is dispensed under the authority of the veterinary surgeon treating your horse. 


10.3 We are able to supply prescription only medication for a maximum of six months and less if deemed necessary depending on the medication. Some medication may be posted and will incur a postage and packing fee. 


10.4 We can prescribe and supply medicines directly or we can also provide written prescriptions for prescription-only medication which can then be obtained from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy. 


10.5 MESV will charge a fee to provide a written prescription and this is only possible where an animal is deemed, in law, to be under our care. Please see the previous section for further details. 


10.6 Where an animal requires ongoing medication, an examination and chargeable fee will be required to allow us to continue to manage and provide appropriate medication.  In compliance with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons best practice guidelines, we advise six monthly examinations (or more frequently should the recommendation for the use of a specific medication require it) and that any recommended diagnostic tests associated with monitoring the efficacy and/or side effects of the drug are completed.


10.7 In the event we have supplied an incorrect or damaged medicine, we will immediately rectify this at no extra cost to the consumer.



11. Return of Unused Medications


11.1 Following the purchase of any medication supplied by MSEV, we will accept and dispose of this medication free of charge. We are unable to offer refunds for medication supplied by MSEV because under UK legislation these medications are not deemed fit for sale.



12. Vaccination Reminders


12.1 MSEV recommends regular vaccination of all horses under their care. Although It is ultimately the owners responsibility to ensure the correct vaccination of their animal, we will endeavour to send reminders as a courtesy to clients.



13. Standards & Complaints


13.1 At MESV we are committed to operating very high standards of clinical care and we work within the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Code of Conduct and best practice guidelines. 


13.2 We also operate an open policy with owners, and if you feel you have a formal issue you would like to raise, please send your comments, preferably in writing, to a Director. 


13.3 We will endeavour to get back to you promptly and usually within 7 days. This does not affect your ability to make a claim in respect of defective goods or services at law either under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 or otherwise or in instances where you believe there has been professional negligence or misconduct.



14. Ownership of Clinical Records & Images


14.1 All clinical notes and records including any diagnostic imaging will remain in the ownership of MSEV and will be retained by us. 


14.2 Copies can be requested to be passed to other veterinary surgeons and insurance companies.  



15. Client Conduct


15.1 Our staff have a right to expect respectful and good behaviour from our clients in the same way that we offer high standards of work to our clients in a mutually agreeable manner. 


15.2 Standards of conduct that are not acceptable for an owner would include any violent or abusive behaviour, swearing, racism, sexual remarks or defamation on social media without expressing your concerns to us directly in the first instance.


15.3 In these cases, MSEV reserves the right to stop providing veterinary services to those individuals.  If the contract is ended by us, you will be notified in writing and provided with an appropriate notice period. This will not affect our right to receive any money which you owe to us under it.


16. Rights to End the Contract


16.1 In the event you would like to end your contract with us or have any questions regarding the above information, please contact us either in person or in writing either by email or post.


16.2 We reserve the right to end the contract at any time and we will write to you providing a notice period deemed reasonable for the situation. We will also end the contract for any of the following reasons;

  • Providing inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information

  • Poor behaviour as outlined above

  • Break terms of the contact

  • Outstanding balances for more than 30 days

01449 516000

Mid-Suffolk Equine Vets Ltd

All rights reserved













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